children were without a school in the village of Orokam, Nigeria

and she did something about it...


My mother, Lilian, an early special education teacher, saw a pressing need in her village where 500 children lacked access to education. The nearest school was just over 20 miles away. Determined to make a difference, she rallied our family and with our unwavering support, built The Shepherd’s Academy from the ground up. The school quickly became a beacon of hope in the community, offering a nurturing environment where children could finally receive the education they deserved.

Over the years, TSA has flourished, growing from a small initiative to a thriving educational institution. Collectively, our family has educated, fed, and sent aid to over 1,000 children and their families throughout the region.

Today, I am proud to continue this legacy.

Our tech program flourishes as our kids learn at incredible speeds. They are insightful and eager to keep up with growing tech trends.​

Unfortunately, there aren't enough computers for all of the kids. And at the rate at which they learn, accessing newer and faster technology is incredibly hard to come by in the village.


I Need Your Help

What may seem like an older computer model for some in the Western Hemisphere are pretty new models for our kids. That’s why I’ve committed to gathering "older" laptops and electronics annually from those who can help.